June 15, 2020 Update from TIAC

Important Notice 

Thank you for your continued readership of TIAC’s COVID-19 updates. As the pandemic’s effect on our economy and way of life continues, TIAC continues to adapt its communication channels to keep the industry up-to-date with relevant information and announcements that are critical for businesses across the sector. As a reminder, COVID-19 updates will now be sent twice weekly on Monday and Wednesday. Should pressing announcements or government updates happen on other days, we will issue special releases to your inbox with the pertinent information.

As always, we would like to recognize and thank TIAC members for their unwavering support of the association during these difficult times. We look forward to providing you with the information you need throughout this period, and as always, we welcome your ideas and feedback at all times. Stay safe and stay well!

Dear Tourism Stakeholders,

The TIAC Team is pleased to provide you with this update on the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, including the steps government is taking to address the situation. We are working hard to make sure the industry’s voice is heard by government, and that you have the information you need to keep your business going in these uncertain times.

Please find the latest updates on official announcements and a recap of TIAC’s advocacy work on behalf of Canada’s Visitor Economy:

Special Notice to Industry – #TourismCounts!

For several years the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) has used the hashtag, campaign name and domain names #TourismMatters and TourismMatters.ca. In recent weeks, well deserved and long overdue attention has come to the campaign of Black Lives Matter. This is a campaign to end systemic racism and a call for allies to speak up. Tourism supports this fight for equality and to end racism. To demonstrate our support and respect for Black Lives Matter, and to avoid confusion and potential misalignment, TIAC is retiring our domain name use of ‘matters’. We call on all Canadians to unite and fight racism. As of today, our social media and campaign slogan shifts to #TourismCounts.

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

  • The TIAC President & CEO has been hard at work promoting TIAC’s Recovery Plan through both media interviews and government meetings the last week
  • Highlight’s include appearances on CBC’s the Current, and travel-trade publication Canadian Travel Press
  • TIAC’s President & CEO has been highlighting the plan’s safety first emphasis, and the need to support businesses through the transition back to regular business activities.
  • The full recovery plan can be found here
  • Note: This is the last weekly version of the tourism dashboard as we transition to a monthly release
  • This report is made possible with Canadian Experience Fund funding
  • The Government of Canada has announced applications are open for the Enabling Accessibility Fund – which aims to create more opportunities for persons with disabilities to take part in community activities, programs and services, or to access employment.
  • Workplace project applications must aim at removing barriers and increasing accessibility and/or safety in facilities where persons with disabilities work or could work in the future.

If you would like to apply for funding or learn more about EAF funding opportunities underway, please visit the EAF funding webpage.

Government Announcements 

  • Last week, the Government of Canada (via the Prime Minister and Minister Joly) announced $133 million supporting indigenous businesses, including $16 million earmarked for Indigenous businesses in tourism – a big win for our indigenous tourism sector and our partners at ITAC, and an early win from the TIAC Recovery Plan.
  • On Friday, the government announced that all air travelers and staff are now required to wear masks while travelling at all times.
  • Airlines will be mandating temperature screening for air passengers in a phased approach.
  • Passengers with a fever will not be permitted to board, and staff will also be required to participate in government mandated temperature checks.
  • Details on the plan and roll out can be found here.
  • Today, Prime Minister Trudeau announced that changes will be made to the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), by extending support for Canadians in need. More details are expected later this week
  • In Quebec, the government announced late last week that $750M will be earmarked to help Quebec tourism businesses.
  • Of these funds, $446M will be used to create a loan program for tourism businesses.
  • On May 28, the Ontario Government enacted a new Regulation under the EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ACT regarding Infectious Disease Emergency Leave as a result of COVID19.
  • This new Regulation covers leave beginning on March 1, 2020 and ending on the date that is six weeks after the day that the emergency declared by Order in Council 518/2020 (Ontario Regulation 50/20) on March 17, 2020 pursuant to section 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Actis terminated or disallowed.

We advise businesses to consult with their HR professional or legal counsel to obtain proper advice on interpreting the new regulation. The new Regulation can be found here: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/r20228.

In Case You Missed It … 

  • TIAC has launched a new letter writing campaign, and we need your help reaching politicians across Canada to send the message that #TourismCounts and we need support now.
  • Visit ca and click “Send Your Letter” to ask your MP to support the tourism industry through COVID-19 recovery efforts.

We ask business leaders to also encourage their staff and suppliers to send a letter as well – we all need to come together as one industry to ensure our voice is heard loud and clear!

Resources for Businesses 

Our partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses.

Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. We have reached out to our provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

Email Updates Archived
New information is being shared at a rapid pace and we know it can be overwhelming. If you think you may have missed something, head over here to see all our communications that we’ve released so far:


TIAC continues to represent your interests with government officials and decision-makers throughout this crisis. Please stay safe and let us know what more we can do to help.