2024-25 Partnership Allocation Program Now Open

We’ve made some big changes to the program for our 2024-25 fiscal year so before you delve further into the process, take a moment to look at your proposed project through a tourism lens. Is your project going to help you drive and retain visitors from 40+ kilometers outside of your community or from outside of the region? Are there opportunities for visitors to spend money while they are here? Is there a way to measure the success of your project and at what points are you going to share your stories with RTO8?

EligibilityPartnership Funding for 2024-2025 is intended solely for tourism businesses / organizations interested in undertaking tourism-related initiatives that increase visitation to the Kawarthas Northumberland region. Tourism businesses / organizations that are just looking for the funds and are not interested in learning or understanding how their project fits within the tourism landscape will not be considered for this program. We truly are looking for applicants that want to help grow the visitor economy which, in turn, will make our communities vibrant places to live and work.

Read the Guidelines
to ensure your proposed project is a fit: RTO8 2024-25 Partnership Allocation Guidelines

Read the RTO8 2024-25 Business Plan to ensure that your proposed project aligns with our plan: RTO8 2024-25 Business Plan

Intake Period One (March 1 – May 31, 2024)
Open to business owners/operators/organizations operating within the Kawarthas Northumberland region that are applying for the first time to this program or those who have not received funding within the last five years.  

Intake Period Two (June 1- July 31, 2024) 
Open to business owners/operators/organizations operating within the Kawarthas Northumberland region who have received funding from this program in the past.

If you feel your project meets the requirements for this year’s program, you can access the application here: 2024-25 Partnership Program Application 

Approval of Partnership Funds are dependent upon RTO8 receiving their 2024-25 Transfer Payment Agreement from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (MTCS).  

All projects receiving funding must be fully completed by February 17, 2025.  

Useful Resources