Tourism Economic Development & Recovery Fund

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

The Tourism Economic Development and Recovery Fund (TEDRF) is an application-based, cost-sharing program designed to provide non-capital funding to projects that either:

  • encourage the development of innovative new tourism products
  • support tourism investment
  • build the capacity of Ontario’s tourism industry

The program also supports innovative tourism recovery projects aimed at increasing tourism within Ontario to address the reduction in global travel as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19).


Eligible applicants include:

  • municipalities and destination marketing organizations (regional tourism organizations are not eligible)
  • Indigenous organizations
  • Ontario tourism industry associations
  • not-for-profit organizations (with a clearly defined tourism focus)
  • for-profit tourism organizations

In addition, to be eligible for the TEDRF program, your project must meet all the following eligibility requirements:

  • project must take place in the Province of Ontario
  • applicant organization must be a legal entity, incorporated in Canada and in existence for a minimum of one year, as of the date of submission
  • applicant must not be in default of the terms and conditions of any grant or loan agreement with any ministry or agency of the Government of Ontario (for example, Ontario Trillium Foundation)
  • information provided in the application must be true, correct and complete (as verified by an authorized official)

If you are successful, your organization will enter into a Transfer Payment Agreement with the province.

Program guidelines

Tourism Economic Development and Recovery Fund – Application guide


If you are from a tourism sector industry associations, please contact

All other interested parties can contact either:

Apply for Funding


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