RTO8 – Regional Tourism Organization 8

Call For Service Providers

Regional Tourism Organization 8 (RTO8) is creating a vetted list of qualified service providers to support local tourism operators in the Kawarthas Northumberland region. This list will serve as a trusted resource, connecting tourism businesses with skilled professionals for their marketing and creative needs. If you provide services in video production, photography, website development, social media marketing, digital advertising, or graphic design, we encourage you to apply and become part of this recommended directory.

We invite professionals in the following fields to apply:

  • Video Production
  • Photography
  • Website Development
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Digital Advertising
  • Graphic Design

Regional Tourism Organization 8 (RTO8)

RTO8 exists to support a competitive and sustainable regional tourism industry, attract visitors, generate economic activity and create jobs within the City of Kawartha Lakes, Peterborough County, the City of Peterborough and Northumberland County. We work with industry partners to build up the Kawarthas Northumberland region through experience development, investment, marketing, and workforce development.

RTO8 (rto8.com) is the administrative name for the region that is known in the consumer marketplace as Kawarthas Northumberland (kawarthasnorthumberland.ca).

For more information on Ontario’s 13 Regional Tourism Organizations, visit mtc.gov.on.ca/en/regions/regions.shtml.

All applicants must:

  1. Be based within the Kawarthas Northumberland region.
  2. Must have an active CRA business number.
  3. Submit a portfolio showcasing relevant work.
  4. Supply proof of insurance.
  5. Include client references (minimum of two).
  6. Outline experience with tourism-related projects (if applicable).
  7. Provide a pricing structure or rate sheet for services offered.

Submission Instructions: Please send your application to programs@rto8.com by January 24th, 2024.

You must include:

  • Business name and contact details.
  • Service category/categories you specialize in.
  • Documentation fulfilling the above requirements.

We look forward to collaborating with talented professionals to enhance tourism in Kawarthas Northumberland!